Welcome to NYC School of Data — a community conference that demystifies the policies and practices around open data, technology, and service design. This year’s conference concludes NYC’s Open Data Week & features 30+ sessions organized by NYC’s civic technology, data, and design community! Our conversations and workshops will feed your mind and inspire you to improve your neighborhood.

To attend, you need to purchase tickets. Venue is accessible and content is all ages friendly! If you have accessibility questions or needs, please email us at < schoolofdata@beta.nyc >.

If you can’t join us in person, tune into the main stage live stream < schoolofdata.nyc/live > provided by the Internet Society New York Chapter and sponsored by Reinvent Albany. Follow the conversation #nycsodata on Bluesky.

Venue: 3-301-A/B Combined clear filter
Saturday, March 29

11:00am EDT

A year of using AI @ citymeetings.nyc: what it took, how it works, and the impact it has had
Saturday March 29, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
citymeetings.nyc uses AI to make NYC council proceedings accessible to everyone using AI.

Since launching it last February, the site's traffic has grown to hundreds of visitors daily, over ten-thousand visits a month, and it is now used widely among professionals in NYC's government, lobbyists, trade associations, advocacy groups, and the media.

Vikram Oberoi, creator of citymeetings.nyc, will share:

- The impact and coverage the site has had to-date
- How his approach changed so he could break down 5-20 hours of public proceedings comprehensively, same-day
- How his tools work and how he uses AI to make citymeetings.nyc possible
- Tips and takeaways for folks working on products that use AI

LLMs have the power to bring more transparency to unstructured government data, but they're tough to use well! Practitioners will come away with learnings they can use in their own projects and leaders will get a glimpse into what investing in using AI to navigate public records will require of them and their teams.
avatar for Vikram Oberoi

Vikram Oberoi

Saturday March 29, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
3-301-A/B Combined

12:15pm EDT

Navigating the NYC Open Data Infrastructure for Community-Based Organizations: A conversation
Saturday March 29, 2025 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
Join us for a conversation on using open data for community based organizations. In this lively panel we will consider big questions about local data.  This panel features Yuki Mitsuda from NYC Housing Preservation and Development, Kevin Lee, the director of data analytics from Breakinground, Inc and Angelica Bravo, the director of data, evaluation and learning from University Settlement. How can these organizations with limited data capabilities leverage open data infrastructure to help demonstrate success? Can open data be utilized more effectively to help meet communities needs? When should a community based organization turn to open data to support the development of new programming? These and other important open data questions will be considered.

Yuki Mitsuda

Manager, Analytics & Data Strategy, NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD)

Kevin Lee

Director of Data Analytics, Breaking Ground

Angelica Bravo

Director of Data, Evaluation & Learning, University Settlement

Lauri Goldkind

Professor, Fordham
Saturday March 29, 2025 12:15pm - 1:15pm EDT
3-301-A/B Combined

2:30pm EDT

FloodNet - Event based flood data for climate resilience
Saturday March 29, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
FloodNet's mission is to develop tools for real-time urban flood monitoring, implement these tools to measure flooding in New York City, and make flood data and monitoring tools available in a manner that is accessible and useful to stakeholders including residents, community-based organizations, government agencies, and researchers.

The FloodNet team is composed of researchers and practitioners at New York University, the City University of New York, and New York City government agencies working in collaboration with stakeholders to collect and share data that contribute toward flood risk mitigation and building community flood resilience. FloodNet is deploying 500 realtime flood depth sensors at flood prone locations across NYC's five boroughs. The flood sensors are typically mounted to street signposts, measuring water levels directly beneath. As of March 2025, we have installed over 250 sensors and collected flood data for over 2100 flood events.

In this demonstration we will introduce the project and walk through our soon to be released dataset on the NYC Open Data platform. The dataset consists of flood events captured by our sensor network over its 4+ years of operation and includes: start/end times, peak depth, time-series depth measurements and associated sensor metadata. We will also present how the data has been used to verify a hydrological model of the Midland Beach neighborhood of Staten Island adjacent to the New Creek Bluebelt flood mitigation development.

To find out more about the FloodNet project, please visit our website at: floodnet.nyc

Charlie Mydlarz

Research Associate Professor, NYU CUSP
Saturday March 29, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
3-301-A/B Combined

3:45pm EDT

NYC Urban Heat Portal: workshop to leverage data for heat resilience advocacy and planning
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
Our team will demonstrate how to use the NYC Urban Heat Portal for heat resilience advocacy. The NYC Urban Heat Portal maps and visualizes several outdoor heat exposure data layers. We will show users how to navigate the website, map, and data visualizations, understand weather station data, evaluate neighborhood profiles, and how to download data for further analysis. You will learn about the fundamentals of urban heat and about how to use data available through the NYC Urban Heat Portal.

If you are interested in heat resilience and the ways we can measure it, this workshop would be useful for you. You will learn about heat mitigation resources in different neighborhoods.

Participants will have the opportunity to work with the data, and download specific data layers. We suggest that participants bring a laptop for hands-on experience.

This portal is designed by Hunter College's Urban Policy and Planning department, BetaNYC, and Penn State University in collaboration with community partners such as WE ACT and Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice.

The speakers:
  1. Ashley Louie, former Beta NYC CTO
  2. Mehdi Heris, Assistant Professor at Hunter College City University of New York
  3. Andrew Kittredge, Beta NYC - Civic Innovation Lab Director
  4. Lun Hung, Beta NYC - Civic Innovation Lab Associate, Frontend Developer
  5. Hailee Luong, former Beta NYC Civic Innovation Lab Associate, User Experience Designer
  6. Zhi Keng He, Beta NYC - Software Engineer


Lun Hung

Front-end Developer Lab Associate, BetaNYC

Andrew Kittredge

Civic Innovation Lab Director, BetaNYC

Ashley Louie

Former Chief Technology Officer, formerly at BetaNYC
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm EDT
3-301-A/B Combined
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