Welcome to NYC School of Data — a community conference that demystifies the policies and practices around open data, technology, and service design. This year’s conference concludes NYC’s Open Data Week & features 30+ sessions organized by NYC’s civic technology, data, and design community! Our conversations and workshops will feed your mind and inspire you to improve your neighborhood.

To attend, you need to purchase tickets. Venue is accessible and content is all ages friendly! If you have accessibility questions or needs, please email us at < schoolofdata@beta.nyc >.

If you can’t join us in person, tune into the main stage live stream < schoolofdata.nyc/live > provided by the Internet Society New York Chapter and sponsored by Reinvent Albany. Follow the conversation #nycsodata on Bluesky.

Saturday March 29, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
If you're new to digital security, 2025 is your year! (And if you're a seasoned practitioner, 2025 is... also your year.)

The past 2.25 months have, if nothing else, showcased the vulnerability of public data as a stark contrast to the value of our personal data. After DECADES of shifting to online services, sometimes exclusively, there's a lot of personally identifiable information out there that it would be prudent to safeguard.

This session will be presented by Davis Erin Anderson, Senior Digital Security Trainer at Freedom of the Press Foundation. Since around 2016, Davis has been training journalists, librarians, and anyone else who will listen on how to enhance their privacy and security online. Her favorite topics are credential security, avoiding online scams, and how to use encryption everywhere possible.

Join this session to talk shop about various vulnerabilities and threats, from phishing scams to government surveillance, and what we might do about them. We each have the power to keep our data, ourselves, and one another safe this year and into the future.
avatar for Davis Erin Anderson

Davis Erin Anderson

Senior Digital Security Trainer, Freedom of the Press Foundation
Saturday March 29, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

Attendees (4)

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